9 Billion Miles From Home
Performance- two artists are tied together through a pulley system and perform a ritualistic set-up process (filling a large circle with talcum powder dust) and then, after an explanation for the audience, each goes on a journey. We then get a description of what he saw and she answers questions about her experience ("How far are you from a moment of stillness?" etc)
The performance took about 1 and a half hours, reminded me of meditation- ritual, time consuming, focussed, thoughtful, self...
we're performing a ritual.
We want to live in a big here, and a long now
we want to let thinks take the time that they take.
We are beginning to understand that we can't do that alone."
Handmade, shown in the foyer. 3 films of models representing weather catastrophes but made with everyday materials and placed inside a rotating aquarium- great reflections.
"choreographic arts and crafts"
Billy Cowie

The Revery Alone
3D film of female dancer on ceiling so that she seems to be hanging above the audience. Interesting what the audience will do to participate/view the work- in this case a room full of strangers, lying on the ground and wearing 3D glasses...
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