Thursday, 18 February 2010

relational aesthetics/ antagonism and relational aesthetics etc

Ben Lewis made a BBC film Art Safari - Relational Art: Is It An Ism? looking at various artists mentioned in Nicolas Bourriaud's Relational Aesthetics. You can watch it here. An interview about it is here.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tim Head

Levity 1 1978,
lev·i·ty (lv-t)
n. pl. lev·i·ties
1. Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.
2. Inconstancy; changeableness.
3. The state or quality of being light; buoyancy.

I like the playfulness of this work which I think exists as a photograph rather than being a photograph of an installation. By using everyday objects familiar to the viewer you can enter into the work and read it through your knowledge of object, mass, gravity, balance etc.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Dorothee Golz

Golz has made some interesting installations that play with norms in a humorous way. Coffee Table uses altered everyday objects which question how we use them. By combining and merging these objects the idea of the people who use them coming together is represented.
